Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Tuesday Intro and Teasers: Moon Called

First Paragraph - First Chapter - Tuesday Intro is hosted by Bibliophile By the Sea.

I'm going to be focusing on my current read Moon Called by Patricia Briggs which is the first book in the Mercy Thompson series. I've heard so many good things about this series so I couldn't wait to get started with it.

"I didn't realize he was a werewolf at first. My nose isn't at its best when surrounded by axle grease and burnt oil - and it's not like there are a lot of stray werewolves running around. So when someone made a polite noise near my feet to get my attention I thought he was a customer.

I was burrowed under the engine compartment of a Jetta, settling a rebuilt transmission into its new home. One of the drawbacks in running a one-woman garage was that I had to stop and start every time the phone rang or a customer stopped by. It made me grumpy - which isn't a good way to deal with customers. My faithful office boy and tool rustler had gone off to college, and I hadn't replaced him yet - it's hard to find someone who will do all the jobs I don't want to."
In addition to the Tuesday Intro, I have decided to take part in Teaser Tuesdays, which is hosted by Miz B of Should Be Reading. I'm going to combine the two book memes and use the same book for both to make things a bit easier for myself.

My teasers from pg 214:
"The pack is coming," I told Samuel, as we cruised slowly by Warren's house for a look-see.
"I don't know how much you remember from while you were changing, but Warren called for help."
Moon Called: View on Amazon || View on Goodreads

What do you think? Would you keep reading?

I did keep reading and I'm about 65% done with it and I am thoroughly enjoying it. Watch out for the review once I'm done!


  1. Well I must admit that werewolves and vampires aren't really my thing... Hope you enjoy it :-)

  2. I like it! I already have this book on my shelf, I just need to make some space for it...And from what I gather, I really should, huh?
    Thanks for sharing and here's my TT :)

    1. Definitely! Mercy is a strong character and I really like her. It's nice to have a supernatural main character who isn't a vampire or a werewolf, although there are those in the book too.

  3. Never read a werewolf or vampire story, but your teaser is good! Makes me almost want to try one!

  4. I enjoyed both the opener and teaser and I would read on. I hope you are enjoying the book.
    Here's mine


  5. The teaser sounds interesting, but I tend to avoid werewolves ;-)

  6. Hooray! A werewolf. It gets tedious when it's always vampires or zombies popping up everywhere, lol.

    Mine this week is a series mystery--but not a supernatural one: http://wp.me/pZnGI-aU

  7. ooooh, I do love Mercy Thompson. This is the only paranormal series I read. I loved all 9 books and I'm looking forward to the newest release in the fall. Enjoy! kelley—the road goes ever ever on

    1. That's promising that you enjoyed the whole series. I had a 3 hour gap between clients this afternoon and managed to finish the book. Absolutely loved it.

  8. Oh, how I love this series and hope you do too! I need to get caught up . . .

    1. Loving it so far! I'm pleased I'm late to the series as I have loads to catch up on rather than having to wait around for the next book!

  9. I'm not a vampire/werewolves fan; Twilight was enough of a tsunami for me. I hope you enjoy your reading adventure :)

    Here's my TT The Kite Runner

  10. I'm not really a werewolf fan, but I think they're a little more interesting than zombies at least. Good teasers! And I love the belly tat on that cover. Happy reading this week!

  11. Haha, I like her. And since I've been looking for werewolves reads anyway, this is going onto my to read list. Thanks for sharing!
    Here's my TT

  12. It's funny but I don't read PN/PNR or even hardly any UF,and I don't like vampires (!) but I have read this series, except for the last 2.

    I amaze myself that I keep reaching for another. The author is a very talented writer, and she can make someone like me actually keep interested way out of my comfort zone! Glad you are enjoying it. I might seek out Ms. Briggs fantasy books to see how they hold up for me.

    1. I don't generally like PNR. I just finished this book and thought it was great because there was no romance until the last chapter, maybe even the last 5 pages, of the book.

  13. I read this series and I really enjoy it! Hope you like it too.

    Here's my teaser:

  14. I think I'm kind of over the werewolf-vampire-zombie thing so this one doesn't appeal to me. Hope you enjoy it though!

    Today I'm featuring Sisterland by Curtis Sittenfeld

  15. I've been meaning to try this series too. I always like the covers for it.
    here's mine: http://vvb32reads.blogspot.com/2014/08/teaser-tuesday-81214.html

  16. Although werewolves aren't usually my thing, I like the idea of a one-woman garage. I'm intrigued.
    My Teaser is from WHERE OR WHEN.

  17. A good teaser, not a fan of werewolves.

  18. So, is this the sort of book that is considered urban fantasy? I like the opening paragraph -- it definitely piqued my interest.

    1. Yes I'd say it was Urban Fantasy. It's a good example of it too I think.

  19. Well this sounds interesting... I haven't read any of the books in this series, but its definitely got my attention! I like the teaser; I'm wondering whether its a good or a bad thing that the pack is coming?

    My Teaser.

  20. I would definitely keep reading!I love werewolves!
    I've only read 70 pages of 'The Shining Girls' so far but the only issue I have is that because of the time jump and the different POVs I sometimes have to go back and check how much time has passed between the chapters.I suggest you give it another try. :)

    1. Yes shifting POVs and time frames can really disturb the flow of a story if it's not executed well. I will definitely give it another go at some point. Too many books, and not enough time!

  21. I'm sorry but the werewolf turned me off right away. It's just not my genre.

  22. I would and will read this. A female mechanic and she's a werewolf. I bet she's double tough. Thanks for the recommendation and for stopping by my tease.

  23. Intriguing intro, however, werewolves and vampires are not my thing. enjoy

  24. That sounds like it could be interesting

  25. I've only discovered this genre earlier this year - never thought I'd like it, but I did. I have to put this on my list of books to consider.
    Peggy @ The Pegster Reads

  26. Oooh.... I think I'd like this one! Great tease and first paragraph!

    Thanx for visiting my TT
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
