Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Tuesday Into & Teaser: Storm Front

First Paragraph - First Chapter - Tuesday Intro is hosted by Bibliophile By the Sea. So for this book meme, I just have to post the first paragraph of the first chapter of either a book I am currently reading or about to start.

I'm going to be focusing on my current read Storm Front by Jim Butcher, which is the first book in The Dresden Files series.

"I heard the mailman approach my office door, half an hour earlier than usual. He didn't sound right. His footsteps fell more heavily, jauntily, and he whistled. A new guy. He whistled his way to my office door, then fell silent for a moment. Then he laughed.

Then he knocked.

I winced. My mail comes through the mail slot unless it's registered. I get a really limited selection of registered mail, and it's never good news. I got up out of my office chair and opened the door."
Teaser Tuesdays is hosted by Miz B of Should Be Reading. So for this book meme, I have to randomly turn to a page (or two) and choose a sentence to post here to tease you all with. I'm combining the two book memes and using the same book for both.

My teasers:
"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face." ~ pg8
"No wonder she had recovered from her terror enough to come back up the stairs and fire my gun at the demon." ~ pg 169
Storm Front: View on Amazon || View on Goodreads

What do you think? Would you keep reading?


  1. I've heard quite a bit about the Dresden Files but never read any. This opener is really good.
    Peggy @ The Pegster Reads

  2. Oh yay! You have some great reading ahead.

  3. I like the opener... maybe I should consider this series!

  4. Hmmmm....not sure about this one. The opening sounds good though, so maybe....
    Today I am featuring "Cancel The Wedding' by Carolyn T. Dingman.

  5. Like the intro but not sure it is for me. Enjoy

  6. I wonder what happens when the door is opened. Great intro and teasers.

  7. I love this series. It's one of my favorites. :-) So, of course, I would keep reading!

    1. Glad to hear you enjoyed the series. I am really enjoying the book at the moment and have added all the other books in the series to my wishlist.

  8. Interesting beginning and teasers. I'm not sure it's for me though. Enjoy your book. kelley—the road goes ever ever on

  9. The beginning definitely drew me in. Is that really a mailman? I'd read more to find out.
    My Tuesday post features KATIE & THE IRISH TEXAN.

    1. it is a definite teaser isn't it! I'm not going to divulge whether it was a mailman or not - you'll have to check it out! ;-)

  10. I really like how the story starts and how you paused it. Now I must know - Who's at t he door? I have to read more.

    1. I was going to write an extra sentence or two but I thought I'd keep you all guessing!

  11. He seems harmless. He laughs. I think he's a good guy. One she will be glad to have met.

  12. I love series mysteries, but confess I've never read one where the P.I. was . . . a wizard?! Could be entertaining.

    My TT this week is from The Sea Wolf by Jack London

  13. I'm really excited to have started this series! I've heard so many great things about it over the years, and I'm glad I've begun to dive in! Thanks for stopping by My Teaser earlier!

  14. I have a Jim Butcher book, like the 1st or 2nd in the series and still need to read it.... omg.

  15. This sounds good. I have a couple of his books on my Kindle.

  16. Ha, I love that first teaser! My brother's read some of Jim Butcher and really enjoyed it, I should check it out sometimes.
    Thanks for sharing (:

  17. The intro sounds ominous! And so very true! And why? Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!

  18. Intriguing - great teasers! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  19. Oooh, I haven't read Jim Butcher in ages! I should go to the library and pick up one of this books(:

    Thanks for having stopped by my blog!


  20. That's a great teaser! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
